
Conde de Villaseñor特级珍藏(特陈酒)

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Conde de Villaseñor Gran Reserva

medium russet ruby-red colour. Aromatic explosion of vintage aromas (vanilla, toasted grains, spices...), very ripe fruit hints (raisins, caramel...) and very subtle bouquet (leather, fallen leaves, tobacco...). As the wine unfolds, aromas become more intense. Perfectly structured mouthfeel, creamy and smooth, velvety and lingering. Very pleasant aftertaste. A Rioja classic.


搭配: 搭配

葡萄藤: 选择里奥哈阿拉瓦和里奥哈阿尔塔葡萄园的葡萄。土壤是的石灰质粘土壤土。葡萄藤平均年龄为50年,主要种植在传统传导系统玻璃房内。

葡萄品种: 坦普拉尼罗

制备方法: 在不锈钢罐中发酵和浸渍20天。每日泵抽,最佳提取颜色和丹宁酸。装桶前在池内和两个货架上乳酸发酵。在美国和法国橡木225升桶内装30个月老化。瓶内成熟三年后才开启。